SEAISI Latest Publications and Advertising Opportunity

Posted on 12 July 2006

Source: SEAISI

Dear Members and Friends,

Re: SEAISI Latest Publications

The institute is very glad to inform you that this month we are releasing three new publications. Those publications cover the areas of the technical advancement, economic performance and the statistical facts of our industry in 10 SEAISI countries (6 South East Asia countries, Australia, Japan, Korea and Taiwan)

2006 SEAISI Quarterly Journal (SQJ)

The 2006 Conference & Exhibition which carried the theme "The Asian Steel Industry: Techno-Economic Perspective" has witnessed the latest presentations and showcases of new technology and products. The best technical papers have been selected and published in the journal. You now have the privilege to advertise your company's products and services in the journal.

2006 Country Reports

The publication provides 10 member country reports prepared exclusively by the Directors of the Institute. The report shows that the industry is moving forward very fast with considerable large number of investment planned in this region. The quality of the reports has been improved to a level that it provides more useful information.

2006 Statistical Yearbook

The total crude steel production for 10 member countries is 203 million metric tonnes for 2005. This amounted about 18% of the world production. Besides the production data, the publication provides import and export data of major iron and steel products including scrap. Statistics has been used as an important tool for monitoring these developments and making decision in your business. Under good cooperation, there are more improvement on commentary and more accurate data in this Yearbook.

Place your advertising in the SQJ now.  The Advertising Form is attached,

The publications are available. Please get yourself a copy today! The Ordering Form is attached


Dr Li-I Wei

Secretary General

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