Danieli QSP technology sets sail for USA

Posted on 28 July 2020

Source: Danieli

On July 10th, 2020, BBC Pearl cargo operations were completed for the delivery of steel production machinery to Danieli & C. USA client, Nucor Gallatin.

An unprecedented effort of shipping 3,000 tons of materials, that is 10,000 m3 in volume, in a single batch, set a record not only in Danieli, but in the entire national and regional supply chains of equipment produced in Italy, primarily in Danieli’s workshops.

This is one of the major orders conducted by Danieli in terms of volumes (15,000 tons). The exported equipment is set to completely transform Nucor’s plant thanks to the adoption of Danieli’s QSP® (Quality Strip Production) technology.

These technologies will allow doubling the plant’s annual production rate and obtaining higher quality steels, thanks to the adoption of a new caster and the modernization of the rolling mill, which is to be revamped while still running, underlying Danieli’s prowess.

The improvements will enable Nucor to strengthen their leadership in the commercial steel markets and enter the higher-end segment with a boost in profitability and efficiency.

Plant emissions will be reduced, particularly in the Fume Treatment Plant thanks to optimized energy consumption (-30%), contributing to the final goal of producing truly Green Metal.

Notwithstanding the tough challenges the world is facing today, especially for goods and services supply, Danieli & C. and its partners demonstrated their resolution and ability to follow through with their contractual obligations and deliver the record-setting orders on time. 

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